Wednesday, November 28, 2012

things to be thankful for

Near the beginning of November, I saw several of my facebook friends posting reasons they were thankful, or posting something they were thankful for every day.  The idea stuck with me and I couldn’t shake it.  One persistent thought was that when people are asked what they are thankful for, they usually immediately think of friends and family.  Those are nothing to be scoffed at, and that I am thankful for my friends and family goes without saying.  I couldn’t help thinking though, about the simple things in life that I am thankful for, things that I encounter daily or what make me who I am.  A mental list started growing and continued expanding until I wondered if I could think of 100 things for which I am thankful.  It started getting difficult towards the end of the list because I didn’t want to just start naming off everything that I own or naming things that make me happy.  I thought individually and intentionally about each thing on my list.  Some of them are simple and others complex ideas; some of them are silly and some of them are serious; some I think about every day and others I often forget.  They are not numbered, but there are 100.  I promise.

I am thankful for:
My dog and her abounding energy
That my dog stayed alive to two years in the Paraguayan campo
My thirst for knowledge
How the first sip of coffee in the morning always is amazing
Hot showers
The privileges that come with my United States Passport
The education I have received
My mother never yelling at me for the perpetual holes in my jeans
The freedoms that come from being a woman in the 21st century
Luxurious hours spent reading good books
The quiet and peace of early mornings
When I can see the sky full of stars
The fact that I grew up near the Pacific Ocean
The profundity of silence
My mother never expecting me to be anyone but myself
Growing up an athlete
Doctors who have kept me healthy and many times saved my life
The clear mind I get from a good walk or run
Contagious laughter
When I cook a good meal and am able to share it with someone
Dark chocolate
Pictures that become memories of my past
The lingering smell of campfires
The women I have worked with who have taught me how to listen and be patient
Large cups of tea
The sound of the ocean
My computer
My ability to laugh at myself
(in my Aunt Lissa’s words) Successful bowel movements
Knowing more than one language
The English grammar that was drilled into my head growing up
The beautiful innocence of children
Terere on hot, humid days
Wine and cheese nights with my family
Warm jackets
The magic I still feel on Christmas morning
My mother forcing me to learn to play the piano
Growing up with cousins
The awe I feel when I’m on top of a mountain
When I can justify buying new socks
Afternoon naps
Public transportation
Mexican food
Never truly going hungry
The fresh smell that is present after the rain
Being able to see growth in myself
Easy access to fruits and vegetables
My Ipod
Having a kitchen furnished with dishes and utensils
My “large” New York apartment
The opportunity to live in New York
My experiences in Paraguay
The diverse landscape of the United States
Holidays which give reason to get together with friends and family
Living in a relatively stable society
The ability to see
Bright colors
Good roads
People in my life who make me laugh
Access to clean water
Not needing to make a fire everyday to cook my meals
Insulated walls
Mate in the winter
The invention of sliced bread
Having a warm place to sleep at night
My dog always being happy to see me when I come home
The right to vote
People who understand me
My earring collection
Being allowed to wear pants
The way that the smells of homemade food waft through the house
Frozen yogurt
Feeling safe when I sleep at night
Washing machines
Indoor plumbing
Memories of camping trips
Good dental health
The ability to express myself

While maybe it goes without saying that I am thankful for my family, that often goes unsaid.  My family and the idea of family are sacred to me and I can’t bring myself to just add people that I love to a list.  Instead of listing my sisters, my mom, and my cousin who is like a sister to me, as people I am thankful for, I find it appropriate to list reasons why I am thankful for each one of them.  Because they are what are most precious to me, I think it right to leave these reasons at the end.

Jody’s joy for the simple and natural life
Chelsea’s drive to continue, even when she doesn’t understand
Dani’s brilliant, satirical wit
Tessa’s stunning brilliance and beauty
My mother’s compassion and ability to see 

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