Tuesday, January 26, 2010

for those of you who don't already know my timeline...

I think this is boring information, but people keep asking questions about this, so maybe you all want to know. If you don’t care, please skip this blog. I don’t’ want to bore you.
I will be leaving California Feb 8th for Miami where I will have what they call “staging” Feb 9. Staging is basically a brief orientation/ turn-in-all-the-required-papers day. My flight leaves from Miami for Paraguay the evening of the 9th and I will arrive in Paraguay Feb 10. From there, I will go to GuarambarĂ© (an hour away from the capital) where I will meet my host family for the next couple months and begin 11 weeks of intense language, job, and culture training. After those 11 weeks I will be sworn in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer (crazy I know, it’s not official until the end of April, and I even have to pass tests to be sworn in). Finally, in May I will be placed in my site and move in with another host family living in that community and I will get to start my work as a Peace Corps Volunteer!


  1. Not bored at all. Too busy cheering for you.
    That and planning your party! U.J.

  2. Now it begins! I hope you're enjoying your last day of "normalcy," watching the Super Bowl with your friends before flying off tomorrow into the adventure that awaits you. Here is one of my favorite verses:

    "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."

    Go forth in joy and peace, my love. Great things await you!

    Love, Marmie
